Prof. Dr. Dirk Drasdo

Head of Research Group “Multi-cellular Systems Biology” – INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France and The Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics University of Leipzig and IfADo Dortmund
c-tip-hcc Co-Coordinator
Role in LiSyM-Caner
- Co-coordinator and project leader in C-TIP-HCC
- Image analysis & 3D tissue model generation
- Utilization of parameters generated by SMART-NAFLD and C-TIP-HCC for mathematical multi-scale modeling of NAFLD/MASLD-based HCC without cirrhosis
- Integration of multiscale models in a new modeling software (CompuTiX)
- Development of agent-based models and multi-scale models of multicellular tissue organisation covering developmental biology, in vitro systems, tumor growth and liver, with three software tool generations
- Modeling of multi-cellular tissue organization
- Center-based models of growing tissues in various applications, mimicking of cells as individual agents, parameterized by measurable biophysical and biokinetic parameters
- Process chain parameterizing single-cell-based tissue models out of image data
- Habilitation in Computer Science (University of Leipzig)
- PhD in Physics, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry and University of Göttingen
- Master degree in Physics, RWTH Aachen
Professional Experience
- Directeur de Recherche at INRIA
- Faculty position at the Mathematics Dept. and the Center for Systems Biology at University of Warwick, UK
- Research associate positions at the Max-Planck-Institutes for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig research associate at Colloid and Interface Science in Golm
- Research associate at Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology at the Medical Faculty of Leipzig University