Prof. Dr. Jörg Stelling

Pic of Prof. Dr. Jörg Stelling

Professor for Computational Systems Biology – Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich

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Jörg Stelling is a Professor of Computational Systems Biology at the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering of ETH Zurich and has a recognized expertise in computational approaches to biological systems.

He heads an interdisciplinary research group that focuses on developing and applying computational methods and mechanistic mathematical models to study complex cellular networks, to elucidate their operating principles, and to enable their rational re-design in contexts such as biomedical applications. A particularly relevant area of research deals with detailed systems dynamics that are, for example, required to understand the integration of cellular regulation across metabolism, signal transduction, and gene regulation. We aim at developing advanced methods and models for detailed network analysis that cope with the prevailing uncertainty due to a lack of experimental data and biological knowledge.

Jörg Stelling has published approximately 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers in different areas ranging from applied mathematics to biology, including in high ranked journals such as Nature, Science, Cell, PNAS, and others. He has been invited speaker at more than a 100 international meetings and has organized several international meeting (e.g. EMBO). He has served and is serving on a number of evaluation panels (e.g., EU, Volkswagen Foundation), advisory boards (e.g., BBSRC Strategy Panel for Integrative Biology), and editorial boards (e.g., PLOS Computational Biology).